We Know More Than We Can Tell
BA Media Degree Show
The first graduating cohort of the BA Media programme at University College London proudly present a diverse showcase exploring the possibilities of knowledge production in the digital age.
The exhibition reflects the notion of tacit knowledge, emphasising that understanding the world transcends what can be easily articulated with language alone. In the era of machine learning and large language models, which drive the invention of many new creative and generative AI tools, the concept of tacit knowledge adopts a new, more pressing relevance. The works in this show aim to navigate the extremes of new creative mechanisms and showcase emerging expressions that are both aware of and challenging these influences.
This cohort of students are offering fresh perspectives on the production and interpretation of media. Their investigations are self-reflective, constructive acts of world-building, utilising the unique methodology of practice-based research, where their research question is explored systematically through creation, and enhanced with reflexivity and rigour and hands-on experimentation.
"We Know More Than We Can Tell" features 56 degree projects at the Marshgate building and a screening program at the One Pool Street Cinema here on the UCL East Campus.
Film Showreel
Game Student Showreel
- Tala Abuobead, Dearest Palestine
- Jiaer Cai, Emotiverse
- Sirui Cao, Swimming Out Till the Sea Turns Blue
- Cristina de la Cruz, The Professor's Game
- Diana Ding, N Perceptions
- Tom Doherty, The Power of Narrative: How Storytelling Shapes Modern Advertising
- Kaihua Dong, Gaze
- Pedro Tafur Fasce, ELMO
- Adèle Garbutt, Doh Ayay!
- Dloras Gong, Palmistry
- Shaza Hafez, God's Rage
- Daniel Haheu, Restaurateur
- Shiyi Han, The Last Adieu
- Rachael Hawthorne, Creativity
- Will He, Sisyphus Reimagined: An Absurdist Urban Myth of Isolation and Alienation
- Seda Karacan, Echoes of Resilience: A Journey Through Turkish Media
- Zixuan Kong, Plant B
- Barbara Kononova, The Invisible Paradigm: Female Film Producers
- Klaudia Krzywda, The Cinematic Image and the Concept of the Mental Image
- Destin Kundi, Psycho
- Jamie Laughton, Introduction
- Hazel Li, Lihua's Wishes
- Yiyang Luo, Piety - Insight into Technology and Religion
- Aditi Mody, Office Mania: Tactical Troubleshooters
- Maria Mujib, ZONA
- Ruixin Ni, Nostophobia
- Vanessa Pang, SHE HER HER HERS
- Louis Pierrel, Behind the Lens
- Minle Qiu, Echoes of Chinese Opera in Cinema
- Raissa Reyes, Venusborn
- Caleb Seed, Woodburn
- Vedant Sethi, What About Men
- Manisha Shabajee, VirtuLife
- Yemeng Shu, Echoes of Fear
- Anna Subina, Timeless Tiles
- Georgia Summers, THAT AIN'T LONDON.
- Giacomo Tanner, Nails
- Haydarcan Toguz, Faith and Fantasy
- Gleb Tverdokhlebov, Beyond the Summit: Riding Against the Odds
- Marcus Underwood, The Masculinist Metropolis
- Cindy Wang, Mirage
- Ruohan Wang, Stigma of __: Representation of Mental Disorders in Media
- Jonah Woodward, Back of the Net, Documentary
- Xinyi Alessia Wu, ....-.-..-..- ("Secret" in Morse code)
- Kexun (Ashley) Yang, Sunset Echo - A Letter to the Self
- Eda Yildirimkaya, Echoes of Perception
- Haley Youn, Goblin Hunting
- Shengyang Yu, Cellu-Cubes
- Peiying Zhang, Voronoi Diagram Based City Generator
- Yaxuan Zhang, Epoch's Crossroads
- Yilin Zhang, Stranding
- Agnes Zhang, My Funeral
- Miao Zheng, Symphony of Fungi
- Hania Zhou, No Longer
- Weiyu Zhou, Perspectives
- Xinyu Zhuge (Andina), Loong's Quest in Shanghai, Video Game Demo